I came across this recently - too good not to share!
"In a usually busy emergency room in an English hospital, the ER doctors notice that emergency room visits seem to be lower than usual this particular weekend. One of the doctors is encouraged to go home to spend time with his children. 'No point', he decides - they are all at home immersed in the latest Harry Potter book, which had just been released.
"A lightbulb switches on, and the doctor undertakes some research, which results in the delightful finding that on the release weekends of the 2 most recent Harry Potter books (at the time), emergency room visits for children aged 7 to 15 were significantly down on other weekends.
"There were roughly 67 visits per weekend on normal weekends, and an average of 36 and 37 visits on the weekends when HP5 and HP6 were released - a low not seen on any other weekend over the 3 years of surveillance. The author concludes that "there is a place for a committee of safety conscious, talented writers who could produce high quality books for the purpose of injury prevention".
"So, Harry Potter saves lives. Fact."
True or not, it's no bad thing if your child prefers to read - just park them on a chair in the backyard so they can get a bit of Vitamin D as well :-)
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